Astera d.o.o.
Smrtnikova, 4 - 1000 Ljubljana (LJ, Slovenia)
ATTENTION! Access to services is allowed only to registered users. For subscription accounts, the request will be processed by the administrator within 48 hours.
N.B. The right of withdrawal for credit card purchases is regulated by art. 59, letter o of the Consumer Code, according to which the supply of digital content through a non-material support (download) determines the loss of the right itself.
Each User is solely and individually responsible for the use of their own username and password and, in particular, for the conduct of and the activities carried out when making use of the Service. The username and password are strictly personal and the user must not - under any circumstances - transmit them to other users or Third Parties. In the event of any breach
of this prohibition, the User will be responsible for the use made of the said information by the persons to whom they have supplied their username and password.
The User is obliged to notify Astera d.o.o. immediately should they lose their password or if it is stolen or, in any case, if its secrecy has been compromised. In the case of a failure or delay in communication the User will remain responsible for the use of their username and password by whoever makes use of it. If a User has reason to believe that a person is using his or her identification data or account, they should immediately inform Astera d.o.o..
All communications should be sent to
The trademarks, logos, graphics, photographs, animations, videos and texts featured on the website are the intellectual property of Astera d.o.o. and its beneficiaries and may not be reproduced, used or represented without the express permission of Astera d.o.o..
The rights for the use of website content, granted by Astera d.o.o. to the User (whether an external collaborator / consultant or an employee of Astera d.o.o.) are strictly limited to the field of activities and / or functions for which a username and password were assigned.
Any commercial use and / or disclosure to third parties by the User, without prior permission of Astera d.o.o. is prohibited.
In particular, the User may not modify, copy, reproduce, download, distribute, transmit, commercially exploit and / or distribute in any way the articles, the website pages or the software codes for elements that go to make up the services and the site, or the user names and other personal identification codes in the Services.
The commercial agreements are a monthly fee, agreed at a lump-sum price depending on the customer's request. The agreements are tacitly renewed unless canceled.
Any cancellation to the services of the site must be communicated by registered A / R to Astera d.o.o., Smrtnikova, 4 - 1000 Ljubljana, which must be received with at least 180 days notice on the effective date requested.
At the end of the service contract, the user is obliged to delete all the files downloaded during the period of validity of the contract.